Envoy Lua HTTP Filter Exploration

Posted on Oct 13, 2024

Envoy offers a of variety in HTTP filters and you can do a lot with what comes out of the box like Header Mutation filter or gRPC-HTTP Transcoding. While this is great, there are certain circumstances where we need some additional customizations. To solve this issue, Envoy provides options like Lua HTTP Filter, Wasm Filter or the ExtProc Filter. Through these filters, you can write custom code in a non-C++ language that gets excuted either in the request or response flow like any other Envoy Filter. To start my journey into extending Envoy, I spent some time looking into the Lua HTTP Filter.

Writing and maintaining Lua Scripts

In-lining Lua Scripts

Register the script as an inline_string in the default_source_code or in the source_codes map section of the Lua HTTP Filter.

- name: envoy.filters.http.lua
    "@type": type.googleapis.com/envoy.extensions.filters.http.lua.v3.Lua              
    inline_string: |
        -- Called on the request path.
        function envoy_on_request(request_handle)
        request_handle:logInfo("Logging in the request path from default lua source.")
        -- Called on the response path.
        function envoy_on_response(response_handle)
        response_handle:logInfo("Logging in the response path from default lua source.")

Full example

Lua Script Files

Create a separate Lua script file, Implement the two stub methods function envoy_on_request(request_handle) and function envoy_on_response(response_handle). Ensure the script is accessible from the Envoy runtime. Once this is done, the script file can be referenced from the source_codes map section of the Lua HTTP Filter.

-- file.lua
-- Called on the request path.
function envoy_on_request(request_handle)
    local headers = request_handle:headers()
    header_value_to_replace = "User-Agent"
    header_value = headers:get(header_value_to_replace)
    if header_value ~= nil then
      request_handle:logInfo("Replacing UserAgent header found in the request with 'Envoy'")
      request_handle:headers():add(header_value_to_replace, "Envoy")

  -- Called on the response path.
  function envoy_on_response(response_handle)

Register the script file in the source_codes map in the Lua HTTP Filter.

          - name: envoy.filters.http.lua
              "@type": type.googleapis.com/envoy.extensions.filters.http.lua.v3.Lua              
                  filename: file.lua

Full example

Attaching Lua Scripts

Lua Per Route

In each applicable route defined in a virtual_host, the source_codes map entry for the lua script should be referenced in a typed_per_filter_config.

    - filters:     
      - name: envoy.filters.network.http_connection_manager
          "@type": type.googleapis.com/envoy.extensions.filters.network.http_connection_manager.v3.HttpConnectionManager
          stat_prefix: ingress_http
          codec_type: AUTO
            name: local_route
            - name: local_service
              domains: ["*"]
              - match: { prefix: "/ip" }
                route: { cluster: some_service }
                    '@type': "type.googleapis.com/envoy.extensions.filters.http.lua.v3.LuaPerRoute"
                    name: "file.lua"

Full example

Default Lua Script

Default scripts are added by default to all routes except in routes with Lua Per Route. No extra steps are required in the virtual_host or route configurations.

Full example


  1. Default Lua Script gets executed only when Lua Per Route is not in play. If Lua Per Route is used, the Default Lua Script is ignored.

  2. Scenarios where Lua HTTP Filter is useful in its current form:

    i. Modifying Headers, Body and Trailers including cases where the body is chunked or streamed.

    ii. Making an external HTTP call to an upstream cluster. This can be done to either to log the request or response, send stats to an external server or perform auth. The suggestion is to not make blocking calls in the Lua HTTP Filter.

    iii. Short circuiting request or response flows. If the headers, body or trailers don’t meet a certain criteria, we can short circuit the request or response flow and send back a canned response to the client. In the request flow, This could prevent calls from reaching the upstream cluster.